Manuel Antonio Rodríguez
Founding Partner
Director of the Defense of Intellectual Property Rights, Litigation and Competition Practice Departments
Manuel Antonio Rodriguez coaches, advises, develops, and implements anti-counterfeiting and prevention programs against other kinds Intellectual Property rights infringements. He manages administrative and judicial actions to defend and enforce Intellectual Property rights before the corresponding government authorities. Furthermore, he is a specialist and advisor in training programs for public officials of Venezuela and other countries.
“He is recognised by market observers for his extensive experience in contentious anti-counterfeiting cases”.
Chambers & Partners (2019)
He is an Intellectual Property Professor for postgraduate programs at Universidad Metropolitana of Caracas and Universidad de Los Andes of Merida, and a visiting professor at international courses for the training of Latin American university professors in Copyrights and Related Rights, organized by the latter institution. Likewise, he was Professor and founder of the course “Intellectual Rights and Modernization of Customs” (“Derechos Intelectuales y Modernización Aduanera”) of the National School of Public Administration and Finance attached to the Ministry of Finance. Furthermore, he was a University Professor in the field of Intellectual Property at Universidad Catolica Andres Bello of Caracas,
He was highlighted in the World Intellectual Property Review (2016) publication as Trademark Leader in Venezuela. Likewise, he was ranked in Band 3 for Intellectual Property in Venezuela by the Chambers and Partners (2019) guide and was awarded the Silver band by World Trademark Review 1000 (2019).
- Specialization Program in Intellectual Property, Universidad de Los Andes (1999)
- Specialization Program in Commercial Law, Universidad Catolica Andres Bello (1989)
- Lawyer, Universidad de Carabobo, Venezuela (1985)
Areas of Practice
- Litigation
- Copyrights
- Anti-Counterfeiting
- Unfair Competition
- Licensing
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
Professional Networks
- Inter-American Copyright Institute (ICI), Chair of the Anti-Counterfeiting Repression Committee.
- American-Venezuelan Trade and Industry Chamber (VenAmCham, Spanish acronym).
- Venezuelan Copyright Institute (IVDA, Spanish acronym), Vice-President.