Ricardo Alberto and Dr. Manuel Rodríguez joined the 10th edition of the Intellectual Property Forum as speakers at the UCV

On April 25th, Antequera Parilli & Rodrìguez`s partners Ricardo Alberto Antequera and Dr. Manuel Rodrìguez, joined the 10th edition of the Intellectual Property Forum as speakers.
On his presentation titled Brands and digital market: Consumer empowerment?, Ricardo Alberto made a brief overview about consumer’s empowerment within the framework of new challenges and controversies generated in the Intellectual Property area. Likewise, Dr. Manuel Rodríguez through his Brief comments about artificial intelligence and intellectual property, give the legal approach explaining the copyright’s characteristics and its protection in the scientific field.
At the end, they deliberated about the correct intangible protection in any area and mentioned the importance of cooperation between corporations, communication with institutions and the academic participation to continue moving forward on Intellectual Property matters in Venezuela.