Ricardo Antequera Parilli Foundation will sponsor the Copyright Award of the Free Chair of Intellectual Property “Carlos del Pozo y Sucre”
As a result of the initiative of teachers and students of Law School of the Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV), Free Chair of Intellectual Property “Carlos del Pozo y Sucre” was installed on January 28 in front of authorities and university community.
For Ricardo Alberto Antequera H., representative of Ricardo Antequera Parilli Foundation, sponsor of the Copyright Award, is a reason to celebrate the interest of the UCV and its teachers to rescue the work of people who give their name to the awards, for create a meeting space in favor of spreading the value and importance of Intellectual Property for the development of society.
“Ricardo Antequera Parilli was a profound and simple man, a person who was filled with joy in a classroom. He as ucevista, today more than ever, would be very satisfied by what is happening […] Every ocasion we have to meet, to discuss, to debate and to think that Intellectual Property is going to occupy a relevant space in the Venezuela we dream of, at that moment, be assured that Ricardo Antequera Parilli and we, through the Foundation that bears his name, will be accompanying them”.
Ricardo A. Antequera H. during award presentation
Teachers, undergraduate and graduate students, graduates, employees and workers interested in achieving the proposed objectives can be included in this chair.
The installation act began with the Academic Committee swearing, followed by words of the Rector Cecilia García Arocha, who expressed her great pride for the presentation of this Chair and confirmed that the UCV continues in full activity. He thanked all the people and associations involved in the process and highlighted the work of Carlos del Pozo and Sucre, an illustrious scientist and self-taught inventor who, at the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century, carried out innumerable activities in the field of science and the promoter of the protection of intellectual rights.
Leonel Salazar, coordinator of the Chair, defined it as a space for the integration of different disciplines that make up the creative processes of knowledge. It aims to be a national reference for the creation of a university culture aimed at encouraging the processes of promotion and dissemination of Intellectual Property, as a tool for the socio-economic development of the country.
The Chair has three awards. :
- Prize in Industrial Property “Mariano Uzcátegui Urdaneta”, in recognition of the best scientific work in the right of Industrial Property.
- Copyright Award “Ricardo Antequera Parilli”, with the aim of recognizing the best scientific work in Copyright.
- Innovation Award “Alain Coriat”, for the best innovative activity in any area of knowledge at the Universidad Central de Venezuela.