New Regulation on the Labeling of Foods with High Sugar Content, Saturated Fats and Trans Fats in Venezuela
Caracas, May 9, 2022. Foods for human consumption with high content of sugar, saturated fats and trans fats must include new labeling.
The Ministry of People’s Power for Health (MPPS) issued Resolution N°137 which regulates the labeling of manufactured foods high in sugar, saturated fats and trans fats. This resolution establishes the guidelines that will complement the labeling of manufactured foods for human consumption, through the inclusion of a front labeling of the containers, in order to provide the final consumer with additional information about the content of sugar, saturated fats and trans fats in these products, in order to comply with the obligation of the State to protect the health of its population, and promote healthy conditions and lifestyles.
This resolution only applies to those foods manufactured for human consumption – packaged or packaged – that are offered in the market and that, during their elaboration process, sugar and saturated fats have been incorporated: sugar and saturated fats when in each serving the amount of kilocalories coming from each one is equal or greater than ten percent (10%) of the total kilocalories; trans fats when in each serving the amount of kilocalories coming from these is equal or greater than one percent (1%) of the total kilocalories; and/or foods containing any of these nutrients, provided that they are marketed within the national territory and present in their final composition (solid or liquid) the amounts mentioned below:
Likewise, they must place on the front part of the label or label of the containers, a figure in the shape of an octagon of black color and white border, with a text inside that reads: “HIGH IN“, followed by “SUGAR“, “SATURATED FATS” or “TRANS FATS“, according to the specific case, including in the lower part of the octagon: “MINISTRY OF THE POPULAR POWER FOR HEALTH“, as shown below:
This new information system located on the main display face must show in a truthful, direct, clear and simple manner when a manufactured food, offered to the final consumer, presents a high content of nutrients of public health concern.
If manufactured foods with sugar, saturated fat and/or trans fat content equal or higher than the established in the nutrient table, manufactured before the publication in the Official Gazette of this Resolution and during the first thirty-six (36) months after its publication, may be marketed until the expiration date thereof, using the labeling they had at the time of their distribution and commercialization.
For further information, please visit here the questions and answers document on this resolution.